Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Example Post by e-mail

Posts sent by email go to admin ( ), who forward it to the blog, this is to prevent spam and inappropriate posts whilst allowing posting without having to have posters registered as users etc.

See the “Introduction” page Achilles Yacht Owners Association: Introduction or above for acceptable use and general guidance  (both WIP as at 1st Dec 2021).


From: John
Sent: 10 November 2021 10:32
Subject: Example Post by e-mail

This was posted by email after being composed using Microsoft Outlook, the instructions below relate to that client,  other e-mail clients should be able to do similar.

To allow formatting and in line images E-mails should be sent in HTLM format, “Rich Text” WILL NOT WORK. An email in “Plain Text” will delete in line pictures, tables etc., depending on the mail client these may be moved to attachments but they will not carry through to the blog. Most modern email clients will default to HTML but check your settings, in Outlook the format for an individual email can be set under “Format Text”

So do not attach pictures, use the “insert function” and select “Pictures” etc.


Then adjust the size appropriately and if it is a very big file compress it (in outlook click on the picture and select “Format Picture” from the top menu).  Failure to compress may result in exceeding Goggles message size limit (I don’t know yet what that is) and could cause problems for admin trying to forward the post to blogger when out sailing with limited bandwidth.

Setting picture alignment left and centre will work but text wrapping does not.


  • Bullet points will carry forward
  • Example


  1. So will numbered lists
  2. Example

Links to other sites like this will work but Flickr embedded pictures will not, others have not yet been tested but probably will not.

Tables formatted in the e-mail client













 Copy and paste from Excel can be problematical, as they don’t scale properly and formats don't always carry through, I found that copy and paste into Word, tidying it up there then copy and paste to the email / blog was better but there is still a risk of it overflowing, without the ability to edit on line it is safer to past / post as a picture…..

Check the email carefully as once it is posted by email only an Admin can edit it.

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